The University of Macedonia, formerly the “Graduate School of Industrial Studies”, was established in 1948 under the surveillance of the Ministry of Education.
The University of Macedonia has the following departments in Thessaloniki:
- Department of Economics;
- Department of Business Administration;
- Department of International and European Studies with two separate majors International and European Studies and Diplomacy;
- Department of Accounting and Finance;
- Department of Applied Informatics;
- Department of Educational and Social Policy;
- Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies (the only one in Greece);
- Department of Music Science and Art;
- Department of Marketing and Operations Management (located in the city of Edessa); and
- Department of Technology Management (located in the city of Naousa).
Currently, the University of Macedonia (UoM) offers twelve post-graduate programs in various areas. UoM has more than 10.000 undergraduate students who enjoy a high quality education. The second decade of the 21st century finds the UoM financially strong, academically competitive and advanced, ready to face in the best possible way the challenges of the future.
The University of Macedonia (UoM) is housed in a group of buildings with a total area of approximately 40.000 square meters, consisting of lecture theatres, teaching and seminar rooms, faculty offices and the areas of the administration sections. The University has recently added a main auditorium, which constitutes one of the most modern conference venues in the city and also hosts important cultural events. The premises of the University of Macedonia are located five minutes’ walk from the heart of the city of Thessaloniki.
The University of Macedonia is a member of the following International Organizations:
- EUA (European University Association);
- IAU (International Association of Universities);
- CUM (Community of Mediterranean Universities);
- EUCEN (European Universities Continuing Education Network);
- THENUCE (European Thematic Network in University Continuing Education);
- ASECU (Association of Southeastern Economic Universities) ;
- EUPRIO (European Universities Public Relations & Information Officers);
- IAUP (International Association of Universities Presidents);
- AIMOS Network;
- BSUN (Black Sea Universities Network).
Bilateral Agreements
UoM also has bilateral co-operation agreements with the following Institutions:
- Birmingham City University, United Kingdom;
- Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic;
- National Chiayi University, Taiwan;
- Universite De Nantes, Faculte des Lettres, France;
- Universite de Provence (Aix-Marseille I), France;
- Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA;
- National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland;
- Kalmyk State University, Russia;
- University of Kimep, Kazakhstan;
- University of Kragujevac, Serbia;
- University of Lodz, Poland;
- Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, Romania;
- University of Novi Sad and Mazaryk University, Czech Republic;
- University Tomsk State, Tomsk, Russia;
- Vilnius Business Law Academy, Lithuania;
- University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Uzbekistan;
- Cyprus University of Technology.
Participation to International Programs
UoM participates to several international programs such as:
- Erasmus-ECTS;
- Alfa;
- Leonardo;
- Tempus;
- Med-Campus.