
Local Organising Committee


Stilianos Fountas;

Stilianos Fountas is a Professor of Economics at the University of Macedonia.  He worked previously at the Department of Economics at the National University of Ireland, Galway.  He has held visiting appointments at York University (UK), and the University of California San Diego (USA).  His research interests are in the area of applied macroeconometrics.  He has published papers on exchange rates, current account deficits, and the relation between macroeconomic uncertainty and macroeconomic performance.


Theodore Panagiotidis;

Theodore Panagiotidis is Associate Professor at the University of Macedonia. In the past he held positions at the University of Sheffield, Loughborough University, Brunel University, and the London School of Economics. He has published more than 30 articles in international journals, including Oxford Economic Papers, Economics Letters, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Journal of Forecasting, Review of International EconomicsEmpirical EconomicsInternational Review of Financial Analysis, International Journal of Finance and Economics and the Review of Development Economics. He is currently at the editorial board of the Review of Economic Analysis, and the Journal of Economics and Finance.


Theologos Pantelidis;

Theologos Pantelidis is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics in the University of Macedonia. He is a Research Associate of the Maynooth Finance Research Group, National University of Ireland Maynooth, and the Price and Competition Observatory, University of Macedonia. His research focuses on applied time series econometrics (modelling and forecasting). He has written numerous articles with applications to international finance and environmental economics. Part of his work investigates the estimation of a declining term structure of the social discount rate for intergenerational cost-benefit analysis.


Vasilis Sarafidis;

Vasilis Sarafidis is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University. He received his PhD at the University of Cambridge and previously held positions at the University of Sydney and, as a Visiting Scholar, at the University of Amsterdam. Currently he holds the positions of Special Advisor at Europe Economics and Consultant for Frontier Economics. His main areas of research lie in the analysis of panel data, factor models, cross-sectional and spatial dependence, and clustering analysis, with applications to crime, the analysis of water demand and empirical I.O.


Thanasis Stengos;

Thanasis Stengos is University Research Chair at the University of Guelph. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Economics from LSE and Ph.D. from Queen’s University. His research interests are in nonparametric and nonlinear methods, with applications to empirical growth, measurement of welfare measures, labour economics and empirical finance. He currently serves as associate editor of the Journal of Applied Econometrics, Empirical Economics, Economics Letters and he is co-editor of the Review of Economic Analysis. His research has been published in journals including the Review of Economic Studies, European Economic Review, International Economic Review, Economic Journal, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Econometrics, and The Review of Economic and Statistics.